Beaumont Boys & Girls NS BEAUMONT

You can contact Club Spraoi Beaumont by email at at any time, or by phone at 083-0699710 between the hours of 7:30 to 8:45 and from 1:30 to 6:15.

Please scroll down to see more detailed information below.

Session Times & Prices

Breakfast Club 7:30 am – 8:45 am – €6.60

1:30 – 2:30  €6.60

1:30 – 3:30  €12.10

1:30 – 4:30  €16.50

1:30 – 5:30  €22.00

1:30 – 6:15  €26.40

2:30 – 3:30  €6.60

2:30 – 4:30  €12.10

2:30 – 5:30  €16.50

2:30 – 6:15  €20.90


At Club Spraoi, it is our priority to create a safe, fun and engaging environment which fulfils the needs of the children, providing them with the best experience possible.

Please read and store the following information carefully as it contains important details that you will need to be aware of when availing of our services at Beaumont Boys/Girls NS.

Contact Information & Communication with the Club Spraoi Team

Christopher is the Coordinator at Club Spraoi Beaumont. You can contact him by email at at any time, or by phone at 083-0699710 between the hours of 1:30 to 6:15. Please use this number only if you need to contact us urgently, as his primary responsibility during our opening hours is to ensure the safety of all of the children in our care. For this reason, it is preferable for parents to email us with queries and by all means to schedule a phone call or meeting with Christopher for a time that he will be able to afford more time to speak with you. Christopher will be your point of contact for any issues, questions or concerns you may have relating to your child’s attendance.

We highly value the importance of good communication between us and our families and would urge you to make contact if there is anything that you would like to discuss with us about your child or likewise if you would like an update or any feedback from us.

For any queries on billing/payment please contact us at

Booking & Payment


You can book and pay for a session in one easy step by selecting the dates and sessions you require, and once you have added it to the cart and checked out, your booking is secure.

Any dates that are fully booked will appear in red.

If the date appears in grey, this a school closure day.

If you book on a casual basis, you can simply add whatever sessions you require to your cart and pay for the session/s with your card at checkout.

If you would like to make a regular booking, you can do so by booking a minimum of 8 sessions time slots.
For example
‣ 8 x Breakfast Club Sessions
‣ 8 x Afterschool Care Sessions per time slot (eg: 1.30 – 2.30 is a time slot)

When you have selected 8 session time slots or more on the calendar, the ‘Pay weekly’ tick box can be selected.

The above rules apply for each child booked (i.e 8 of each session for each child must be paid upfront with weekly prepayment going forward)


We are a Prepay Service. If by 4pm on Friday you have not paid for any / all sessions for the following week, these will be automatically cancelled and you will be notified by email

You will receive payment reminder emails when there is an outstanding balance owed on your account. These will come on a Monday, Wednesday & Friday.

When you receive a payment reminder email and you click ‘Pay Now’, the amount that is payable at checkout, will be the most up-to-date balance payable on your account.

If credit or charges have been added over the course of the week, at any time when you click into the most recent payment reminder email that you received from us and select ‘Pay Now’ the balance payable will reflect the credit/charges applied.

If you have credit on your account at the time when a payment reminder is generated, the system will automatically use this credit to cover the cost of the session(s) for the following week.


Payment Methods

Card Payment- Payment of invoices can be done by debit / credit card via Stripe/Paypal by selecting ‘Pay Now’ on your invoice.

Sibling Discount

If you have 3 children or more, a 25% discount will be applied on the booking for the 3rd and subsequent children.


For any queries on billing/payment please contact us at


It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that your child’s bookings are in place. If you book from week to week or month to month and at the start of a new week/month there is no booking in place for your child, yet they show up at the Club Spraoi collection point at the end of the school day, we will be unable to accommodate them. They will be sent to the office for the school secretary to notify you that they need to be collected by you. (We are not insured to have children in our care that are not booked in, and bookings can only be made by the parent through the parent Club Spraoi profile).



You can cancel any sessions that you do not require by going to your Account, go to Booking History and select the child/date that you wish to cancel.

If you cancel more than 24 hours before the start of the session, you will automatically receive credit to your account.

If you cancel less than 24 hours before the start time of the session, you will not receive credit for the session.

If you fail to cancel the session, this is considered a non-notification of absence and a penalty of €10 will be applied to your account.

If you would like to extend a booking you will need to cancel the existing booking and rebook the session that you require, for that day or for another date.

If you need to reduce a booking less than 24 hours before the start time of the session (so no credit due) we would advise not to cancel and rebook on the system as you will be charged twice (For the existing session and the new one). Please email your coordinator to advise them of the early collection


When your child is unwell / absent from school

If your child does not attend school, or is collected by you during the school day due to illness or another reason, it is your responsibility to notify us that your child will not attend. You may be cancelling the session within 24 hours of the start time and therefore not entitled to credit for the session. However, the session must still be cancelled. Where you fail to cancel the session or fail to notify us by email, we will assume that your child will be present at the session start time and will use our best efforts to locate your child, including but not limited to: phoning parents, searching the school and school grounds, speaking to a representative of the school and alerting the Gardai where necessary. Failure to notify us of a non-attendance in accordance with this policy will incur a penalty of €10 which will be imposed on your Club Spraoi account.

In the event that your child has been excluded from the school as result of displaying symptoms of an Infectious Disease (such as, but not limited to COVID-19) the child shall be excluded from attending Club Spraoi until such time as the child in question has been readmitted to the school. (For further information on infectious illnesses and the exclusion periods please read our Policy on Infection Control.)


Late Collection

If you are more than 10 minutes late collecting your child, your account will be charged by €6 for every hour that you are late.

If your child is collected after closing time, you will be charged €5.00 for every/partial 10 minutes that you are late.

This charge will be added to your account and any subsequent bookings that are made will include this charge to be paid at checkout.


When School Finishes Early

If there is an early school closure and you do not require your booking, it is your responsibility to cancel the session.

If you do not cancel your session, we will assume that your child will attend and we will charge your account for the additional cost of the early closure.

If you cancel your session for the day, more than 24 hours in advance, please email your coordinator to advise that you’ve made the cancellation so that we can remove the early closure charge from your account.

If you do not have credit on your account, this charge will remain on your account and when you make the next booking, you will be unable to checkout without paying this charge.

National Childcare Scheme

We operate the National Childcare Scheme (NCS) which helps parents to meet childcare costs.
The scheme provides 2 types of childcare subsidy for children over 6 months of age:
• A universal subsidy for children up to 15 years of age. It is not means tested.
• An income-assessed subsidy for children up to 15. It is means tested.

If you would like to find out more information regarding eligibility and to apply please visit

If you have been awarded claim hours and you would like us to register your child to receive the subsidy, please email is the details of your claim to


Payment of invoices when claiming a subsidy on the NCS

We invoice parents one week in advance for all bookings. We receive payment of subsidies from the National Childcare Scheme one week in arrears. For this reason, you will need to pay the first two weekly invoices when your child first attends with us. On the second week that they attend, you will receive the subsidy for the first week. This credit will be applied to your account, reducing the total due for the following week.

To Register with us please click on “Registration” or “Login and Book” and you will be able to set up a profile for you and your child/children.

Upon completion of the registration, you will receive an email confirming that we have received your registration and this will be approved within 24 hours (Monday to Friday).

If you submit your registration after 6pm on a Friday, please allow until 6pm on Monday for approval of your registration.

Please note that no bookings can be made until your registration has been approved.

If you register additional children after the registration of your first child has been
approved, these registrations are also subject to approval.

Please ensure you have noted on your Child/Children’s Profile about any dietary requirements or food allergies that they may have. This is extremely important so that our staff are aware of these needs that your child may have and can ensure they are not exposed to foods in which they cannot have

Please note that our services are all Nut Free Zones and all parents must ensure no nuts are provided to children in their lunchboxes, bags, pockets etc. Due to a large amount of allergies across our services and as per our Healthy Eating Policy we ask that all parents refrain from sending treats/Birthday Cakes to be shared amongst the group on occasions

Please also ensure that you have documented on your Club Spraoi profile if your child has any additional needs so that staff are aware of these needs and we can support your child/children better when they are with us. We would also encourage you to let us know of any emotional difficulties/behavioural challenges your child may have. The more we know about them the more beneficial it will be for them when they attend our service

We ask that all parents ensure that their profile is kept up to date in relation to Authorised Collections. If your child is being collected by someone who is not noted on their profile we will be unable to allow your child to leave with this person

It is very important that our staff are informed of what class your child is in and who their teacher is. We ask that all parents update this each year as children move from class to class.

We recommend that all parents familiarise themselves with the Club Spraoi Policies and also with the full set of Terms & Conditions.

Terms and Conditions
Privacy Policy
Cookie Policy
Acceptance Use Policy
Terms and Conditions of Supply

Collection and Drop Off Procedures

Drop off for Breakfast Club:
Please bring your child to the door to the Halla at the back of the Boys School and call our number 083-0699710 and one of our team will come out to take your child/children.

Collection by Club Spraoi at 1:30:
In the girls school, the infant teachers bring the children that are attending Club Spraoi to the Sports Hall where our team will be waiting for them.

In the boys school, the Club Spraoi team collect the boys directly from their teachers.

Children arriving to Club Spraoi at 2:30:
All children from 1st to 6th Class are to make their way to the Sports Hall in the Girls School.

Collection by parents at 2:30:
We will bring all children that are going home at 2:30 to the front door of the Boys school. Please come to this door and we will sign out these children one at a time and hand them over to you/another authorised person. There is a lot of traffic at the school at this time so it is very important that you do not call your child away from the group and take them, but wait for us to sign them out and
hand them over to you directly. At the start of term it may take us a little time to get to know you all so please bear with us!

Collection by parents at 3:30 / 4:30 / 5:30 / 6:15:

Junior / Senior Infants
When collecting your child in Junior / Senior Infants, please go to the front of the Boys school, call us at 083-0699710 and wait for us to bring your child/children to you.

1st to 6th Class
On Mondays-Thursdays, when collecting your child in 1st to 6th Class at 3:30pm & 4:30pm, please go to the door of the Sports Hall at the Girls school and you can collect your child there.
On Mondays-Thursdays when collecting your child at 5:30pm & 6:15pm please go to the front of the Boys school, call us at 083-0699710 and wait for us to bring your child/children to you.

On Fridays all 1st-6th class children can be collected from the door of the Sports Hall in the Girls School.

Note: In order for us to provide the best experience possible for the children, dividing the groups in this way enables us to plan more age specific activities for the children. However, when siblings wish to be together of course we will be as flexible as possible in facilitating this.

If you arrive on the school grounds and you see your child playing in the yard area outside, PLEASE DO NOT TAKE YOUR CHILD WITHOUT NOTIFYING ONE OF OUR TEAM THAT YOU HAVE ARRIVED TO COLLECT.

Only authorised persons named on your child’s profile will be permitted to collect your child. If on occasion you need someone else to collect your child, you will need to contact the Coordinator directly in advance of the collection time to authorise this person to collect you child.

Due to Tusla Regulations, children can only be collected by someone over the age of 16.

Homework Supervision

Our team will supervise and support the children in the completion of their homework Monday to Thursday. However, we do ask that parents check their child’s homework and reading at home as they may not have had time to complete it all, and to ensure that parents are monitoring any difficulties that their child may have in completing exercises assigned by the teacher.

Art, Drama, Lego, Taekwondo and other After School Activities

If your child will be attending any of the various after school activities that are scheduled throughout the week, please email your Coordinator to advise them of the day and time that your child’s activity will take place.

Please note that we are unable to reduce the session cost/time for the time that your child will be at their activity. This is due to the fact that these activities can be cancelled at very short notice by the organisers and if this does happen, you/we need to ensure we still have space to have your child with us. If we were to not charge parents accounts and the activity was cancelled, we would be unable to take your child and you would be called by the school who would require you to come right away to collect them. On several occasions we have also had children who have refused to go to activities and as they had a booking with us we could gladly take them with us ensuring they are happy and safe for the remainder of their time.

Behaviour Management

While at Club Spraoi, children will be required to demonstrate socially acceptable behaviour. They must respect differences and refrain from disrespecting and from causing physical or emotional harm on any other child. It is inevitable as children develop and learn, there are times when they need support and guidance to understand that their behaviour is not acceptable. However, when there is a sustained pattern of serious behavioural issues (as defined in our Policy for the Management of Behaviour) we may need to exclude your child on either a temporary/permanent basis should their attendance be deemed as putting the rest of the group at risk of harm.

For further information please see our Policy for the Management of Challenging Behaviour and our full Terms & Conditions.


We strongly recommend that parents apply a long-lasting sunscreen in the morning, before school/holiday care.

In the event that further sunscreen application is needed during periods of sunny weather, written consent from the parent is not required to apply sun protection creams supplied by the parent/guardians for their own child. However, if you have not supplied sunscreen, written consent is required from parents/guardians to apply sun protection creams supplied by the service in order that the parent can advise if a previous adverse reaction may have occurred with the cream supplied by the service.

If you require clarification on any of the above information, please contact Christopher by email at at any time.