Terms and Conditions

Our Aims

We aim to provide a high-quality service which meets the needs of both parents/carers and children. For parents/carers, this means knowing that your child is safe and happy in a club that is reliable and offers a consistent service. For a child, this means an environment that is safe, supportive, encouraging, nurturing, a place to be with friends and make new ones, try out new activities, to relax, to have fun and enjoy. Club Spraoi will ensure that appropriate standards of behaviour, discipline and hygiene are maintained. Parents/Carers are expected to give their support and encouragement to the aim of Club Spraoi Before and After School Care. The well-being and safety of all of our children is of paramount importance to us. As a fully inclusive service we will work in partnership with parents/carers to achieve this.


Parents/Carers must inform Club Spraoi if the child has any known medical condition or health problem or has been in contact with infectious diseases. A child must not be brought to Club Spraoi if unwell (See Policy on Infection Control).

Additional Needs

When registering a child at Club Spraoi, parents/carers have a duty to notify Club Spraoi if their child has any Special/Additional Needs. This is to ensure that the needs of this child can be met while at the club and to ensure the safety and well-being of all children at the club.


Club Spraoi welcomes staff and children from many different ethnic groups, backgrounds and creeds. Similarities and differences are valued and respected and all children are treated equally. Club Spraoi will do all that is reasonable to accommodate the needs of children with disabilities/additional needs.


If you need to cancel any session during term time, you must do so a minimum of 24 hours before the start time of that session in order to receive full credit. This credit will automatically be added to your wallet.

Please Note: If cancelling a booking inside the required 24 hour period, it is essential that you notify us that your child will not be attending. If we have not been notified, the staff will search the school and the grounds, may need to speak with the teacher and/or phone parents in an effort to locate the child. This removes staff from their primary responsibility of supervising the children that are present. Therefore, failure to notify us of a child’s non-attendance inside the 24 hour cancellation period will result in a penalty of €10.

Holiday Care Cancellations must be emailed to us with 7 days notice for credit to be applied. Holiday Care Information will be emailed to all parents in advance of Holiday Care Bookings.


Children must be collected by a responsible adult, who is listed as authorised to do so, on the registration form. The child must be signed out before leaving Club Spraoi. If a member of staff requests that you collect your child for any reason, please arrange to do so immediately. If you cannot collect your child yourself and we do not know the person who will be collecting for you, please give their name and a clear description of them over the phone to the coordinator.

Late Collection

If your child is collected more that 10 minutes after the end of their session, you will be automatically charged for the cost of the next hour.

If a parent/carer is more than 10 minutes late collecting your child at closing time, €5 per ten minutes Late Fee (effective from 10 minutes after the agreed time), to help cover cost of staff and to encourage parents/guardians to come for their children on time.

Please note: Any Late Collection Fees will be automatically charged to your account within five working days.


The Coordinator must be notified in writing immediately of any changes in contact details or family situations, Court Orders or situations of risk in relation to the child for which any special precautions may be needed.

Parents/Carers agree to inform Club Spraoi of any information necessary to safeguard or promote their child’s welfare or avert the risk of harm to their child or other person. Club Spraoi staff will be informed of sensitive issues concerning the child on a ‘need-to-know’ basis.


All children at Club Spraoi will be expected to demonstrate respectful behaviour towards adults, other children and the school/club resources in line with the current Behaviour Policy. Parents/Carers are asked to instil the importance of good behaviour at Club Spraoi (See Policy on Behaviour Management).


The parents/carers hereby confirm that they accept the authority of the coordinator and staff to take all reasonable disciplinary or preventative action necessary to safeguard and promote the welfare of each child and the Club Spraoi community (See Policy on Behaviour Management).


A child may be suspended or excluded if their conduct is unacceptable and if the continued presence of the child is incompatible with the interests of Club Spraoi Before and After School Care and/or if their behaviour is causing harm to the other children at the club (see Suspensions & Exclusions Policy). The child will also forfeit their place at the club if the parent is persistently rude to staff. There would be no refund of fees in these circumstances.

Child Protection

The coordinator/management have a duty to report any significant concerns s/he might have about the safety/well-being of a child to Social Services.

Loss of Property

Club Spraoi will not be liable for loss of property brought onto the premises by parent/carer or child. We will make every effort to care for items which your child has needed at school e.g. musical instruments. However, we cannot accept responsibility for any money, toys, mobile phones or valuable items.


Parent/Carers that choose to use the club on an ad hoc basis must ensure that their account is in credit. Sessions will not be allocated if funds are not available.

No refund/credit will be given for sessions only part attended, for example if a child is collected before the end of their booked session, or if they attend an After-School Activity during their booked session.

Club Spraoi Policy Documents

More details of Club Spraoi working practices may be found in the following policy documents …

Child Safeguarding Statement
Complaints Policy
Administration of Medicine Policy
Fire Safety Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Behaviour Policy Child Protection Policy
Policy on Suspension & Exclusion
Policy on Managing Behaviour
Policy for the Dropping and Collection of Children
Policy on Infection Control

If a copy is required of any of these policies a request for a copy can be made to the school office or by email to info@clubspraoi.ie